Some people don't particularly care to use the Equation Editor, because it adds another level of complexity to working with Word. Click anywhere in your document other than in the Equation Editor object.From the resulting drop-down list, select the template that matches how you want your fraction to appear. Click on the Fraction and Radical Templates tool.An Equation Editor object is inserted, and the Equation toolbar appears. If the dialog box includes a Displays as Icon check box, make sure it is cleared.(There may be a version number as part of the name, such as Microsoft Equation 3.0.) If Microsoft Equation is not available in the Object Type list, then you don't have it installed on your system. In the Object Type list, choose Microsoft Equation.To insert a fraction with the Equation Editor, follow these steps: Unfortunately, the Equation Editor is not installed by default, so you may need to run the Word or Office Setup program to make sure it is installed. This tool allows you to create all sorts of mathematical formulae in your document, including fractions. They cannot be moved or resized in Word Web App/online.One way you can put fractions in your document is to use the Equation Editor provided with Word.

In Editing view they appear as placeholders that you can delete but not edit. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, far as I know, the Equations can display in the document as expected in Reading view. Mark the reply as an answer if you find it is helpful. I am told that if you install MathType from design Science, both will continue to work. That software cannot edit Equation 3.0 artefacts. Microsoft instead uses the new PC-version of Microsoft Equation in Word 2016. That licence ran out, so they can no longer legally include MathType in their product. The issue is that Microsoft Word was using a licensed cut-down version of MathType to edit equations. If you are using Word 2016 for mac, please note following things about MathType, I have copied here: Thus, we need to write/edit the equations in Word client or other type of math-type editors, copy/paste to Word client and then update to Word Web App/online. They cannot be moved or resized in Word Web App/online.

As far as I know, the Equations can display in the document as expected in Reading view.